The Aura of Wisdom 

By Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by True Buddha Foundation Translation Team

This was translated from Grandmaster Lu's 154th book, 智慧的光環.

CHAPTER 18 - Respect the Guru

When I first studied Buddhism, I learned from many Masters. I took refuge in Venerable Yin Shun, Venerable Le Guo, Venerable Dao An, Reverend Liao-ming, Guru Thubten Taerchi, the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa, Guru Sakya Zheng-kong, Guru Pufan and others.

I received my bodhisattva vows from the Masters of precepts, Venerable Xian Dun, Venerable Hui San, and Venerable Jue Guang. I learned the recitation of sutra and the repentance ritual from Venerable San Ci and Venerable Shang Lin.

My invisible spiritual teachers are Mr. Three-Peaks Nine-States and Padmasambhava.

I am always prepared to serve my teachers, and I believe completely in the teachings they transmit. I shall always remember what they taught and shall abide by their instructions without fail.

Of course my teachers lectured me, but I never once rebutted them. I exercised tolerance, as I felt my teachers were giving me lessons on the Perfection of Patience. I have always been respectful to my teachers.

I once took refuge in a guru (whose name is not listed here). His teachings and behavior had violated the Buddhist precepts and Buddhadharma. My affinity with him was thus inadequate, and I decided to stay away from him. Still, I maintain my respect for him, and I will not criticize him, simply because he had once taught me.

What I mean is that I am respectful to any teacher who has taught me at one time or another, and I shall always abide by their instructions.

When Padmasambhava rode on his horse and ascended to the sky, he said, `Only those who honor the Guru, treasure the Dharma and practise diligently shall attain enlightenment.`

I have indeed lived up to this statement. I am aware that without the empowerment of the Lineage Guru while cultivating the Tantric Dharma, it is absolutely impossible to gain enlightenment.

Let me share this with you, `All accomplished Tantric adepts are respectful to their teachers, and have attained spiritual union with them.`

If someone is disrespectful to his guru, yet claims to be an enlightened one, who do you think would believe it? Maybe a ghost would!

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01 - Spiritual Conviction
02 - Vanity
03 - Adopting a Monistic Life
04 - Manifestations
05 - Spiritual Response
06 - Purification of One's Mind
07 - Right View
08 - The True Acharya
09 - Self Importance
10 - The Four Levels of Empowerment
11 - Making Offerings
12 - Making Offerings (2)
13 - Spiritual Authentication
14 - Keeping the Codes and Precepts
15 - The Spirit of Upholding the Precepts
16 - The True Buddha School
17 - True Practice
18 - Respect the Guru
19 - The Most Comprehensive System of Buddhist Practice
20 - Do Not Slander the Tantric Teachings
21 - Ignorance
22 - Liberal Authentication
23 - The Sutra and Tantra Traditions
24 - Dharma Epithet
25 - The Secret Referred to in the Secret Teachings
26 - Mahabodhicitta, the Mind of Perfect Enlightenment
27 - Perfect Penetration of the Sutra and Tantra Teachings
28 - The Mandala
29 - Attaining Budddhahood in this Very Body
30 - Refrain from Killing
31 - Taking Meat or Vegetarian Meals
32 - Offering Wine and Meat to the Buddha
33 - Why Practice Buddhism and Do Cultivation?
34 - The Guru's Power of Blessing
35 - The Precious Teachings of Tantric Buddhism
36 - The Jambhala or Wealth Deity Practice
37 - The Wrathful Guardian Deities
38 - Yab-Yum, the Consort Practice
39 - Fundamental Rationale of Tantric Buddhism
40 - The Heart Essence and the Orally Transmitted Secrets
41 - Cultivating with Contemplation and Visualization
42 - Aijikan, the Visualization of the Seed Syllable AH
43 - Choosing One`s Principal Deity (Yidam)
44 - The Fourfold and Sixfold Refuge
45 - Radiating Light Blessing
46 - Radiating Light Invocation
47 - The Importance of the Four Preliminaries
48 - The Secret of Contemplating on Emptiness
49 - Elucidation on the Three Powers
50 - Reverence for the High King Sutra
51 - A Buddha Manifestation of Great Authority
52 - Merging as One
53 - The Key Instructions of Entering, Abiding and Absorbing
54 - Seen in the Context of Heresy
55 - The Importance of Cultivating Chi