The Aura of Wisdom 

By Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by True Buddha Foundation Translation Team

This was translated from Grandmaster Lu's 154th book, 智慧的光環.

CHAPTER 30 - Refrain from Killing

A Tantric lineage guru was fishing by the riverside. A young boy approached him and asked, `The Buddhist precepts do not advocate killing. So why do you kill?`

The guru turned around and looked at the kid, started laughing, and said, `You were once fished by me.`

Padmasambhava once killed all the robbers, bandits and vicious villains living in Butcher City who had committed murder and arson, and then employed the most compassionate deliverance practice to purify their souls, and sent them to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss instantaneously.

In these two examples, it would appear that the Tantric gurus were killing living beings. But in actual fact, they were exercising the most compassionate means of deliverance. Their intention was not to kill, but to deliver. Such is true salvation and deliverance for humankind.

My analysis of this situation is as follows:

The Sutra tradition teaches non-killing, and encourages the deliverance of life. Hence, the protection of animal life is in keeping with this sense of compassion, which grows with such acts of benevolence. However, the so-called killings performed by Tantric gurus are in reality the deliverance of sentient beings, touching the soul level with a deeper compassion, liberating and purifying them so that their souls may seek rebirth in the Buddha Pure Land.

In truth, all Tantric practitioners who have not reached the level of spirituality attained by the lineage gurus must abide by the Five Precepts and Ten Virtues set as the essential disciplinary codes of Buddhism. If one can perform the act of killing followed by deliverance, one? spiritual attainment is equal to the Tathagata Dharma Nature, whose ground of fruition is perfect and complete, and as such, can draw sentient beings to itself by incredible means!

Today`s Tantric practitioners barely scratch the surface of the Tantric doctrines. Far from reaching the stage of buddhahood, their behaviour shows great lack of discipline and displays unkindness towards others. Hence, it is harmless to learn of a practice such as deliverance through killing, but they should never perform it under any circumstances. Instead of helping to deliver any souls, they would bring harm to the Tantric School and its teachings. Be careful! Be careful!

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01 - Spiritual Conviction
02 - Vanity
03 - Adopting a Monistic Life
04 - Manifestations
05 - Spiritual Response
06 - Purification of One's Mind
07 - Right View
08 - The True Acharya
09 - Self Importance
10 - The Four Levels of Empowerment
11 - Making Offerings
12 - Making Offerings (2)
13 - Spiritual Authentication
14 - Keeping the Codes and Precepts
15 - The Spirit of Upholding the Precepts
16 - The True Buddha School
17 - True Practice
18 - Respect the Guru
19 - The Most Comprehensive System of Buddhist Practice
20 - Do Not Slander the Tantric Teachings
21 - Ignorance
22 - Liberal Authentication
23 - The Sutra and Tantra Traditions
24 - Dharma Epithet
25 - The Secret Referred to in the Secret Teachings
26 - Mahabodhicitta, the Mind of Perfect Enlightenment
27 - Perfect Penetration of the Sutra and Tantra Teachings
28 - The Mandala
29 - Attaining Budddhahood in this Very Body
30 - Refrain from Killing
31 - Taking Meat or Vegetarian Meals
32 - Offering Wine and Meat to the Buddha
33 - Why Practice Buddhism and Do Cultivation?
34 - The Guru's Power of Blessing
35 - The Precious Teachings of Tantric Buddhism
36 - The Jambhala or Wealth Deity Practice
37 - The Wrathful Guardian Deities
38 - Yab-Yum, the Consort Practice
39 - Fundamental Rationale of Tantric Buddhism
40 - The Heart Essence and the Orally Transmitted Secrets
41 - Cultivating with Contemplation and Visualization
42 - Aijikan, the Visualization of the Seed Syllable AH
43 - Choosing One`s Principal Deity (Yidam)
44 - The Fourfold and Sixfold Refuge
45 - Radiating Light Blessing
46 - Radiating Light Invocation
47 - The Importance of the Four Preliminaries
48 - The Secret of Contemplating on Emptiness
49 - Elucidation on the Three Powers
50 - Reverence for the High King Sutra
51 - A Buddha Manifestation of Great Authority
52 - Merging as One
53 - The Key Instructions of Entering, Abiding and Absorbing
54 - Seen in the Context of Heresy
55 - The Importance of Cultivating Chi