An Overview of the Buddhadharma

By Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Janny Chow

Dharma talks from May 3 - 13, 1993 at Rainbow Villa.

Only "No Self" Can Enter Into Stability

Why did I discuss the statement through which Shariputra was able to intuit the Truth? “All phenomena arise and disintegrate reliant upon causes and conditions.” Actually the most important truth one can learn from this statement is that of “No Self.” An Arhat is able to attain awakening because he contemplates on “Impermanence,” generates the desire of “transcending the samsara,” and then reaches the realm of “No Self.” Inherent in the statement, “all phenomena arise and disintegrate reliant upon causes and conditions,” is the concept of “No Self.”

Here I shall point out to everyone that one must have an understanding of “No Self” when one practices meditation; otherwise, one is unable to enter into the state of “stability,” Give this matter some reflection. As soon as one sits down to meditate – even before entering into “stability” – thoughts start to arise. A thought emerges, such as, “Who owes me money?” One’s mind drifts to the issue of money. Some people have never experienced “stability” in meditation because as soon as they sit down, such thoughts as “who has reprimanded me or offended me” start to surface.

Let us use some simple illustrations. Yesterday’s sun was just as bright as today’s, but did anything happen to annoy you? On my way home yesterday, it suddenly started to rain. My car had been very clean, but its side soon got splashed by other cars passing mine. A car in front of me was moving very slowly and, as I sped up, my windshield got splashed and dirtied. The thought surface that I would have to wash my car again, and I could not help thinking what a nuisance that was. [audience laughter]

Did anything else bother me yesterday? Well, yesterday’s teaching, as well as that of the first two days, went quite smoothly but, while I was going over today’s topic of Samadhi, it occurred to me that I had already discussed this topic before. To avoid repeating myself, I should present this topic from a fresh angle, but I could not think of anything new. [audience laughter] This is also a nuisance. After all, I do have to face everyone, don’t I? [audience laughter]

Then I reflected on something that has happened earlier during the teaching. I had my hand a small piece of paper on which were jotted some of the key points of yesterday’s discourse. The windows were wide open and a breeze was coming in, causing the paper on the table to flutter. That was why I had decided to hold it in my hand. You know, I gesticulate quite a bit with my hands when I talk. Because of my “note sheet,” one of my hands became immobilized. [audience laughter and applause] Therefore, I found myself wondering what I was going to do with the next day’s “cheat sheet.” When I cheated at school, I used to hide the text book under my seat, and the cheat sheet was written on my set square. [audience laughter] I thought to myself, “Now I don’t have a set square, and this paper is so flimsy, what am I going to do?” Good thing there is not draft today, so I may use both of my hands. Such considerations as these arose in my mind!

I also thought of the following: Before I go to bed, at around 11:00 p.m., Mrs. Lu usually makes some snacks for me. But, for the past four consecutive nights, my midnight snack has been just a bowl of plain boiled noodles, without any variation. [audience laughter] I was getting annoyed. [audience laughter] Plain noodles again! [audience laughter] Finally today she brought from home some Taiwanese meat stuffings which will impart a little flavor to the noodles! Last night, at around 11:00 p.m., Mrs. Lu and I went to QFC to do some shopping. We picked up a few items: four packages of beans, each containing ten different varieties, and a packaged whole chicken to use for making chicken broth. I was standing next to Mrs. Lu in the poultry section. First she picked up one chicken and, after looking at the price tag, she remarked, “Four dollars, too expensive.” [audience laughter] And she put it down. Right there and then, I felt frustrated, “So I don’t even deserve a four dollar chicken?” [audience laughter] Really, [to Mrs. Lu] how much was the second chicken you picked up? [audience laughter] The second chicken was three dollars. The difference in price was one dollar, and she bought the second chicken. In my mind, I had this troubling thought, “Why did she buy the cheaper one for me? Am I not the honored and revered guru?” [audience laughter and applause]

Then we went to buy some bread and bananas. We actually still had three bananas at home, but they had already turned black. [audience laughter] So I bought a few green bananas. When we got home, I peeled one of the green bananas and started eating it, along with a bowl of noodles. Then Mrs. Lu asked me, “The banana is still so green, why are you eating it?” [audience laughter] As she questioned me, I became annoyed. “We have been together for so many years, don’t you know that I love green bananas?” [audience laughter] Isn’t it so! I do not care much for over-ripe bananas, although Mrs. Lu prefers them because she thinks they are more fragrant that way. I like green bananas because they have a “different” taste to them. They have a unique texture and flavor which I don’t know how to describe. [audience laughter] I do not care for the taste of over-ripe bananas; I prefer the greener kind.

So, just in one single evening, many thoughts such as these rage through one’s mind. If one becomes bogged down by these thoughts, how can one not have troubles? As spiritual cultivators, we know that all these things which I have just mentioned are as small as sesame seeds. But sometimes small matters the size of sesame seeds can cause a riot! Some married couples fight over small matters like the ripeness of bananas. [audience laughter] You know that it makes no sense to fight over a banana peel, yet a little garbage can, indeed, start some big fights. There is really nothing more insignificant than such matters, and we have to be able to let them go. One must learn to let go of the insignificant as well as the significant grasping. After all, there is fundamentally nothing in this world that should disturb one’s mind. “All phenomena arise and disintegrate dependent on causes and conditions.” Nothing exists inherently and independently – this is the essence of Emptiness. When you realize this, nothing will trouble you.

Do you know the license plate number of my new car, a Mercedes Benz? I was afraid to purchase a Mercedes 600 because it would bring questions to some people’s minds. I was criticized for five whole years for driving a Rolls Royce. So, although the Mercedes 600 is a very nice car, I was afraid to buy it. [laughter] I picked the Mercedes 500 because it is not the top of the line. This way I would have some peace and quiet and be free from criticism for a while. But a different sort of trouble arose. When the license plate arrived, it was “546” – which sounds like “I have died” in Mandarin. [laughter and audience laughter] A shiver went up my spine when I looked at the number! [audience laughter] So, what do you do when you are given such a number? Let me tell you, you look at it from another angle – “Everything is fine!” [The number 546 can also sound like “everything is fine!” in Mandarin.] [audience laughter and applause] So, many troubles are self-created because we believe that they are inherently troublesome. Now you should think of them as inherently empty, that “everything is fine!”

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Day 1-The Three Vehicles
Day 1-Faith
Day 1-Impermanence
Day 1-Comprehension
Day 2-Summary
Day 2-Practice
Day 2-The Five Precepts
Day 2-Actual Practice of the Mind
Day 2-Realization
Day 2-The Four Noble Truths
Day 3-Summary
Day 3-The Modern Doorway into Buddhism
Day 3-The "Theory" Approach
Day 3-The "Practice" Approach
Day 3-Integration of Practice with Daily Activities
Day 3-Seeing the Mountain as a Non-mountain
Day 3-Understanding Suffering and Renunciation
Day 3-Understanding Karma
Day 3-The Simplest Precept
Day 3-Stability
Day 3-The Issue of Taking Refuge
Day 3-"Mountain is Non-mountain"
Day 4-Stabilization and Wisdom
Day 4-Causes and Conditions
Day 4-Cessation of Thought and Visualization
Day 4-Zen and Vajrayana
Day 4-Flame Samadhi
Day 4-No Self
Day 4-Nothing Inherently Exists
Day 4-Psychic Heat and Treasure Vase Breathing
Day 4-Consort Practice
Day 4-Highest Wisdom
Day 5-Six Perfections
Day 6-Eightfold Path